Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Goals

I'm back! I am really bad at this, basically because it is new and I forget or don't have the time. But I am setting a new goal for myself to update this thing at least once a week...keep your fingers crossed!

Things are hectic: I'm on Spring Break and I get to spend every day with Cam...I was looking forward to it; taking him to the park, SeaWorld, walks, ice cream, EVERYTHING...well he has been such a butt lately! He throws these temper tantrums and hits and cries constantly! I feel awful and have to give myself a timeout before punishing him out of anger. Thankfully, today Amanda came over with her little ones and I was able to talk to her about it and as always got some great advice and help!

Hopefully next week will be MUCH better! Or I'm gonna hire a nanny for the summer..hehe no not really.

Here are some updated pictures of our family:

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